Terms of Sending Images or Videos at shutterstock.com


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What are the technical requirements for images?

Only certain formats, color profiles and dimensions are accepted

File Format

We accept images in JPEG and TIFF formats, but we recommend submitting your images as JPEGs because all images are automatically converted to jpeg upon approval into our collection. We do not currently accept PSD files or TIFFs with layers.

We accept EPS files, but require that they be saved in a format that is compatible with Adobe Illustrator 8 or 10.

Generally, we do not accept still frames from video files (even 8K) as they do not meet our technical quality standards.

Color profile

Shutterstock images are offered in sRGB since most images on the Internet are displayed in that profile. If you submit images in a different color profile, the colors will likely be altered during conversion to sRGB, so we recommend converting your images to sRGB before uploading them to Shutterstock.

File Size and Dimensions

All images must be at least 4 MP (megapixels) or larger and set at highest quality settings to produce an acceptable file dimension for submission to Shutterstock.

The maximum file size you can upload using your web browser is: 50 MB for photos, 100 MB for EPS. If you upload via FTPS, you can upload JPEGs up to 50 MB, EPS files up to 100 MB, and TIFFs up to 4 GB in size.

Megapixels (MP) are different from megabytes (MB), as they refer to the dimensions and not the file size. To calculate your megapixels, multiply the X (width) by the Y (height) of your image or artwork.

For example:

2000 x 2400 pixels = 4.8 Megapixels. A file of this size is acceptable.

1200 x 3000 pixels = 3.6 Megapixels. This is smaller than our minimum size requirement, and this file will not be accepted by our system.

Regarding Pixels/Points/Picas/Inches:

Below is a translation of what 4 MP means in each measurement. Keep in mind, these values differ based on your computer's DPI/PPI settings, but at 72 DPI/PPI (which is the current standard), those values would be:

4 million pixels = 4 million points = 27,562 picas = 771.62 square inches

EPS files must be a minimum of 4 MP, but no greater than 25MP. With EPS files, this requirement applies to the size of the bounding box around your artwork, not your artboard. In the example below the artboard is the white square behind the yellow stars. The bounding box is the automatically generated blue outlined box around the actual artwork.

User-added image

So, even if your artboard is 4 MP or above, but the bounding box around your artwork is under 4 MP, you will receive an error.

In order to fix this issue, please increase the dimensions of your artwork to be 4 MP or higher. 

In Adobe Illustrator:

Select your entire artwork.

In the Transform panel, expand your artwork to be at least 4 MP. In CC 2018 and newer, this panel is nested under the Properties tab.

Adjust your artboard accordingly, so that your artwork doesn't exceed it.

What are the technical requirements for footage?

Submitted clips must fit the specified formats

Footage submitted to Shutterstock must meet the specifications below. If you are unfamiliar with any of these terms, please see our footage glossary. 

Duration and File Size

Clips should be between 5 and 60 seconds and no larger than 4GB.


File Format

All footage should be prepared as QuickTime .mov or .Mp4 files. A free program called MPEG Streamclip is available to convert all files to QuickTime .mov format.


Frame Rates

23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 47.95, 47.96, 48, 50, 59.94, 60



We prefer HD and 4K footage, but accept any types and resolutions listed below.  

(resolutions in bold are preferred) 

4K – 4096x2160 4096×2160 4096×2304 4000×2160 3840×2160 3996×2160 4800×2700

2K & 2.5K – 2048×1080 2400×1350 2432×1366 2702×1520 2704×1520 

HD – 1920x1080 1280×720 1440×1080 (only if 1.778 aspect ratio) 1888×1062 1920×1088

SD –  640×480 703×576 720×480 720×486 720×576


We accept the following:

PhotoJPEG - Non-DV progressive scanned video. Use the 75% / high quality level.

ProRes 422 / 422 HQ / 4444 – Export with as little compression as possible.

H.264 - If encoding to this format use the “best” quality.

PNG - Only use for footage (animation) requiring an alpha channel.

MPEG-4 Visual

Apple ProRes 422 LT

Portable Network Graphics (PNG)

Apple Animation (RLE)


Footage should not contain any audio unless it enhances the clip, or is considered editorial content.

Color Space

We prefer REC 709

Mobile device videos

We will accept HD video recorded with a mobile device, but please keep the following in mind:

When transferring your footage from your phone to your computer please be sure to use the device cable. Emailing/messaging the video as an attachment will result in loss of quality.

Please keep in mind that on most phones the user-facing camera has a much lower resolution than the camera facing away from the user. We recommend you to only use the camera with the highest resolution.

Thank You.

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